Sunday, August 12, 2012

My Summer

I did a lot this summer....

This summer I went to Six Flags, Waplehorst water park, and I also went to Cuba, Mo.  At Six Flags I rode every roller coaster there!!!  My favorite roller coaster was The Ninja because there is no line!!!  I went on 2 float trip's with my family once, then with my friend Kyle's family.

I did a lot of activities with my Grandma and cousin.  I paddle boarded & kayaked at Creve Couer Lake.  We went to the RecPlex and we also ice skated.

I played soft ball again this year and got two winning hits!!!

I had a sleep over with my friend Cassidy and we had a bonfire and made s'mores.

I read poems and went to the new Spencer library and fished with my grandpa.

I went to the movies and saw Ice age 4 and Madagascar 3.

I saw the St. Louis Cardinals play in a cool Room that had food and a private balcony!!!

I swam a lot with friends at Waplehorst.  I also went to go see my aunt's band play.

This summer was great and I'm looking forward to next summer.

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