Saturday, July 20, 2013


I went to London last Thursday and It was really fun.  There were two plane rides to get there.  First we flew to Canada then we flew to London. It only took a few hours to get to Canada but it took a long time to get to London.  I watched movies to pass the time. We went to Buckingham palace when we got there.

The first full day we were there we went to Stone Henge, Windsor Castle, and a city called Bath.  Stone Henge was my favorite of the three.  Windsor Castle is where the queen lives. The castle is 900 years old!  Bath is called Bath because there are Roman baths there. 

The second day we went to Warner Bros. Studio (The Animainiacs weren't there DX ) and saw a bunch of Harry Potter original props and sets!  That was my favorite part of the trip.  We saw THE Hogwarts castle... but sadly Hogwarts is a mini set that the film then edit the characters into it...  We saw how they made the special effects and magical creatures. They actually had the Basilisk, Faux, Arargog, Buckbeak, and other creatures on the sets!  They were aninatronics which are robots that do a few programed things then they edit them so they look more real. 

The day after that we went on a Harry Potter walking tour which is a tour to see the places where they filmed the movies.  We went on the London Eye which is a giant Ferris Wheel and saw Big Ben. The London Eye was fun! We were going to ride a boat to the London Tower but they were closed by the time we got there and so we did it the next day.

The last day we went to Westminster Abbey, The Tower of London, and saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, the new musical at the Drury Lane Theatre.  They were both really fun.  We went to a Italian restaurant after the play and I got pizza.  Then we went back to the hotel and got ready to leave to go back home.

The Invisibility Cloak

A Special Effects Illusion

The Chamber of Secrets

 The Knight Bus and Me

Hogwarts! XD
Red Telephone Booth!
Coins that make the Coat of Arms

Aperture Science Labs???

Charile and the Chocolate Factory

a guard and me

Big Ben

Platform 9 3/4

The Underground

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